Hello everyone and welcome to GEUCLIDETRÍA!

I am excited to establish this blog, because it is the first blog that I will write about mathematics and, especially, the main topic of this blog: geometry. Sometimes,  geometry can be boring, but it will not my purpose. Geometry has got interesting facts, curiosities that some of us do not know and the most important, geometry sorrounds us and it is really important to interpret it to deal with issues that we can find in our society.

The objective of this blog is to present the geometry from a interesting point of view and also, from a didactic viewpoint, because there will be several analysis of articles and resources than can be used in class of Primary Education. The geometry is fun and it will be present in this blog and I invite you to guess the acronym contraction of the name of the blog.

I hope you like the blog and interact on it if you wanted!
