For the mathematician, the beauty of the origami is in its simple geometry. There are geometric patterns, combinations of angle and straight in each piece of paper that allow the sheet to have varied and interesting shapes.

There are fundamental geometric forms that give rise to a wide variety of models, called bases. The traditional models derive from four bases, developed by the Japanese people, known as the kite, the fish, the bird and the frog. From my point of view, origami could be an interesting resource that can be carried out students in mathematics classes, because it motivates them to be creative due to they can develop their own models. Moreover, they can also investigate the connection that origami has with the geometry not only flat, but also space.

As Ricotti (2010) affirms, the origami is an interesting tool that can be introduced in all the cycles and it is the teachers who adjust the contents, not confusing the substantial objective of the activity with the concepts and properties of the origami. According to this, I would like to share a quotation that says: "ningún instrumento vale por sí mismo, sino se enseña a pensar". For this reason, we have to be conscious about how teachers are teaching and what resources are providing to their students becuase depending on that, students will develop a significant learning. 
