As I said in the entry of this blog in May 9th, I wanted to dedicate two entries to the geometrical figures that we can find in the city of Málaga in order to keep the message clearer and not to put many photos which it would cause a high level of bore while the reader would read it.

I would like to talk about an interesting alternative development of this activity. From my point of view, this activity can also be carried out in the school due to the large amount of geometrical shapes
that we can find in this space. Teachers can implement this activity in students´ learning processes about geometric contents to promote a significant learning in them. However, sometimes teachers can consider that this activity is not suitable for students and they put a lot of disadvantages to carry it out such as time, organization, space and so on. I think that it is a simple activity and students only need a pen or pencil and a sheet to draw the different geometrical shapes that they can find in their scholar environment.

Finally, here are some pictures from my last photo-bike shoot of places with geometric shapes in Málaga.
